Re-Engineering CI/CD pipelines for Scipy

Harsh Mishra

This talk on Github: HarshCasper/quansight-labs-presentation


  • Introduction to the Project
  • Project implementation
  • Learnings out of the Project
  • Future plan for the project
  • Acknowledgement
  • Q&A

About the project!

  • Re-engineer the CI pipelines for Scipy to be compatible with Meson.
  • Enable local debugging of CI Actions using Act.
  • Implement GitHub Actions for building and testing on macOS.
  • Plan the CI matrix for the upcoming Scipy build setup using Meson.
  • Implement CI benchmarking using GitHub Actions to be compatible with ASV

Project implementation: PR#57

  • Configured `act` to run the GitHub Action workflows locally.
  • Refactored the `` to generate `` and `` dynamically.
  • Wrote the documentation on usage of `act` with GitHub Actions.

Project implementation: PR#59

  • Implemented build caching for Meson to restore compiler targets for faster builds.
  • Reduced the build time by 70% on the GitHub Actions CI (takes ~3 minutes for a build)
  • Integrated timestamp-based caching to cache and restore the latest compiler targets.

Project implementation: PR#65

  • Implemented the Scipy build and test CI action for macOS using GitHub Actions.
  • Reduced the build time by 30% on the GitHub Actions CI using ccache compiler caching.
  • Integrated conda caching and Mamba for faster installs and build time.

Project implementation: PR#67

  • Implemented the automated benchmarking on GitHub Actions CI using ASV.
  • Automatically builds Scipy and runs a benchmark action to compare the base commit with the PR commit.
  • Uploads the ASV results, generated HTML files and the benchmark logs to be verified on demand.


  • Enhanced the Scipy Issue templates to utilize GitHub Issue Forms [PR#14493]
  • Refactored the Scipy Issue templates to improve the user experience [PR#14669]
  • Strategized the CI matrix for Scipy’s Meson build system, available here on the Sheet-3.

Learnings out of the Project

  • Learnt about Meson build system and custom targets.
  • Increased my familiarity with GitHub Actions and CI toolings.
  • Understood caching and benchmarking through working on an actual project.
  • Real-time collaboration and communication with my mentor and stakeholders.

Future plan for the project

  • Start working on the CI matrix and remove CI-deadweight.
  • Build and test the new Meson build on various architectures through GitHub Actions.
  • Implement GHA release action for automating the release of source archives.


  • Thanks to my mentor, John Lee for providing the necessary guidance and feedback on every step.
  • Thanks Ralf Gommers for helping with feedback, suggestions and reviews.
  • Thanks Anirudh Dagar for providing necessary motivation and reviews.
  • Thanks Jaime Rodríguez-Guerra for helping with CI benchmarking and other stuff.


Harsh Mishra
This talk on Github: HarshCasper/quansight-labs-presentation